Welcome to Link-O-Rama #10!
What a nice, round number. It also sounds like a low number, given that we’ve been doing these things for over a year now. But hey, look on the bright side. In that time, you’ve been exposed to over 100 of the best reads on the internet!
If you’re new here, the Link-O-Rama is my recurring series where I share my favorite articles from around the web. Most revolve around investing, saving money, and early retirement, but like always, I reserve the right to occasionally throw in a completely random but entertaining piece!
The power of a freakishly strong base
A fellow blogger (Nick Maggiulli, featured a few posts down!) turned me onto this one, and he described it as his, “favorite finance article ever written.” How’s that for an endorsement?
And I agree, the post is fantastic. In it, Morgan Housel looks at compound interest in ways you’d have never imagined, and by the end of it, I was fired up to invest like never before.
If we needed more proof stock picking was basically impossible…
In round 2 of the Morgan Housel show, he points out that the best performing company in the world also happens to be in an industry that no sane person would have ever invested in. Any guesses?
Money isn’t the only thing that compounds. So does success.
Nick Maggiulli from OfDollarsandData.com might be my favorite new blogger, and this is perhaps my favorite post of his. If you’ve ever wondered why winners keep winning, and maybe even wanted to become a winner yourself, go read this one now!
That said, I have a different main takeaway from Nick. He interprets the data as evidence of how much luckier some people are than others. And that’s certainly true, but my lesson? If success compounds, then we should do everything we can to find it as early as possible. The best time to hustle hard is now!
Interesting ways to make money online
Making money is cool. Making money in your pajamas is even cooler.
Kelan over at TheSavvyCouple.com shares 7 unique ways to make money online. In the age of the internet, money is everywhere!
How one uber driver makes $150,000 a year
Shout out to reader Bhaven for sharing this interesting read.
Apparently, this uber drive found a way to game the app into a 6-figure salary, while STILL having time to binge Netflix in between rides. New dream job?
A lesson from Anthony Bourdain’s tragic end
Like so many others, I was a big fan of Anthony Bourdain, and I was pretty bummed to hear the news of his passing. Over at GetRichSlowly, J.D. Roth reflects on the Bourdain story with a fantastic post straight from the heart, and he considers what it all means as it relates to money, happiness, and early retirement. This one had me reflecting for days.
A 100% transparent look behind the blogging curtain
There’s a growing trend, where bloggers seem eager to tout how much money they made blogging, and how little time it took them. (In a round-about attempt at selling you some secret to do the same.)
Enter Mr. Tako, who’s keeping it real in a world of half-truths. His blogging income report is the most down to earth one I’ve seen yet.
Have something awesome to share?
Have a story to share with thousands of MyMoneyWizard.com readers? Send it in, and you just might get featured in the next Link-O-Rama!
Happy Reading!
Awesome link-o-rama Money Wizard! Lots of good stuff to read this month!
Thanks for featuring me in the post too! 🙂 !