Hi all,
I know it’s been a little quiet around here. Rest assured, even if I’m failing at that New Year’s Resolution of mine, there’s still plenty of great stuff heading your way!
Over in another corner of the Early Retirement Internet, I answered 10 questions from Mr. 1500 over at 1500Days.com.
If you haven’t heard his background, Mr. 1500 is one of those truly inspiring early retirement stories. He started his blog four years ago with the lofty goal of building up a $1,000,000 portfolio and retiring at age 43. When he began writing, he had a net worth of less than $600,000, and I’ve been reading his site long enough to remember a time when people thought his $1 million dollar goal would be impossible in such a short period of time.
Well today, Mr. 1500 is 41 years old, and he’s already blown past his original number. He’s now the proud owner of a $1.3 million portfolio, and is completely financially independent. Strangely, the haters have gone silent.
Mr. 1500 was gracious enough to have me over at his site for a little interview, where I answer 10 questions (it’s actually 13 questions… don’t tell anyone!). Some of the topics covered included:
- My favorite posts
- My blog goals
- Blind taste testing of beer
- My past life as an Olympic Weightlifter
- Aspirations as a 90 year old
Check out the full interview at 1500Days.com!
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Wiz, as a reader who has been following since your first major post, I have to say you almost lost me at Hamm’s!
Very impressive reading about your growth and development over the last year; going to keep reading as you grow!
Thanks for being an inspiration and let’s go skiing sometime!
Haha, don’t knock it until you’ve blind taste tested it!
Awesome to hear from a long time reader though. Maybe I’ll see you on the slopes!