Welcome to the 26th Net Worth Update since I started this site. If you’re new here, every month I share my progress towards a nearly $1 million portfolio and an early retirement by age 37. Money tends to be a pretty taboo subject IRL, but I hope that by sharing all my details here, you […]
Net Worth
Net Worth Update: April 2018
Welcome to the newest net worth update! Every month I share my progress towards a nearly $1 million portfolio and an early retirement by age 37. Money tends to be a pretty taboo subject IRL, but I hope that sharing all my details here will help you in your own situation. Well, April arrived. Around […]
Net Worth Update: March 2018
Well Money Wizards, another month is on the books, so now’s the time for that regularly monthly update. On time this month! If you’re new here, every month I share my progress towards a nearly $1 million portfolio and an early retirement by age 37. Money tends to be a pretty taboo subject IRL, but I […]
Net Worth Update: February 2018
Hey Money Wizards, welcome to another Net Worth Update. Every month, I share my progress towards a $1 million portfolio and an early retirement by age 37. This update comes a few days late, but boy, is it gonna be worth the wait. No, really… that was actually a question. So, let me know in […]
Net Worth Update: January 2018
Another month, another update from The Bold North. At least that’s what all the Super Bowl (registered trademark, don’t sue me!!) promoters are calling my little neck of the woods. As Minneapolis becomes the latest host of The Big Game (see? Much more lawyer friendly name there…) chaos overtakes my city. The downtown area has […]