Hey Money Wizards, It’s time for another Net Worth Update! Here’s my usual spiel for the newbies. Every month I track my progress towards a goal of around $1 million dollars. I’m hoping that amount will let me leave my office job. FOR GOOD. Within the next four years. The goal? Early-retirement and/or hobby employment […]
Net Worth
Net Worth Update: October 2021 (Return to earth…)
Hey Money Wizzes, Welcome to what might be the first official update of Fall? As you’re probably sick of hearing by now, every month I track my progress towards a goal of around $1 million dollars. I’m hoping that amount will let me leave my office job. FOR GOOD. Within the next four years. The […]
Net Worth Update: September 2021 (The Honeymoon!)
Hey Money Wizards! Welcome to the September Net Worth Update! Every month, I track my progress towards a goal of about $1 million in net worth. I’m hoping that amount will let me leave my white collar office job within the next four years. The goal is early-retirement or hobby employment by age 35. I’m […]
Net Worth Update: August 2021 (The Money Wizard Gets Married!)
Hey all! Long time no see. I’ll apologize upfront for my MIA-ness. All of the sudden, we were already halfway through September, and I still hadn’t published the August net worth update! I believe this officially makes me the most behind I’ve ever been on the blog. But I have a good excuse for this […]
Net Worth Update: March 2021 (New family members!)
If you’re new around here (chances are, you might be, especially after Business Insider just republished my journey to $500,000 by age 30 on their front page) then welcome to the monthly net worth update! Every month I track my progress to my goal of about $1 million in net worth, which I’m hoping will […]