Welcome to VERY SPECIAL monthly net worth update! As you probably know, every month I track my progress to my goal of about $1 million in net worth, which I’m hoping will allow me to take an early retirement from my white collar office job. I’m currently 30 and hoping to retire within the next […]
Net Worth
Net Worth Update: January 2021 (New year, new start!)
Welcome to the first update of the new year! A fresh start! Before we get into all the juicy details, you know I’ve gotta share the spiel! Every month I track my progress to a goal net worth of around $1 million, and hopefully… an early exit from my white collar office job. I’m currently […]
Net Worth Update: December 2020 (Good riddance 2020!)
Welcome to the LAST net worth update of 2020. See ya later, 2020! Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! For newer readers, every month I track my progress to a nearly $1 million net worth and an early exit from the working world. I’m currently 30 hoping to retire by age […]
Net Worth Update: November 2020 (Almost 13%!)
Hey Money Wizards! Welcome to the second to last net worth update of 2020. Regular readers know that every month, I share my progress towards a roughly $1 million portfolio and (hopefully!) an early exit from the working world. I’m currently 30 and hoping to retire by age 35, so let’s check it out! Life […]
Net Worth Update: October 2020 (The calm before the storm?)
Hey Money Wizards! Welcome to the 10th net worth update of 2020. Hooray for consistency? Regular readers are probably tired of hearing the spiel. Every month, I share my progress towards a roughly $1 million portfolio and (hopefully) an early exit from the working world. I’m currently 30 with five years to go, so let’s […]