Let me take a wild guess: You use Amazon. In fact, you’re probably one of the 64 percent of US households with Amazon Prime. If my less than impressive odds betting is correct, then let me take a bigger leap of faith. You probably wouldn’t mind some free Amazon gift cards! I know I would! […]
Money Hacks
Is Owning an iPhone More Expensive Than a Car?
Apple just announced the iPhone X. That’s the iPhone 10, not to be confused with the iPhone ex. And pour one out for the iPhone 9 while you’re at it. That edition got skipped over like a nerd in a dodgeball draft. As eager consumers eagerly awaited The Latest and Greatest, Apple announced the one […]
5 Chances for Free Money: Class Action Lawsuits and Triple Cash Back [Deal Alert]
We interrupt these regularly scheduled blog posts to share some deals! It’s been a while since we’ve had a deal alert on this site. Hopefully you took advantage of a couple thousand dollars from our last deal alert, but if not, here’s to round two! Deal #1: Up to $900 from telemarketing scammers “Hello, you […]
How to Track Your Spending Using the iPhone’s Numbers App
By this point you’re probably sick of hearing me harp about the importance of tracking your spending. The regular readers will recognize that I mention it during pretty much every net worth update. I bring it up whenever I’m interviewed by the media. And there’s even that time I linked to someone else talking about […]
Create a Wealth Building Machine by Automating Your Finances
Fact: most people budget backwards. We use our paycheck to make everybody else richer, then wonder what happened to our once sizable salary. My latest post over at InvestmentZen covers how to flip that backwards budget right side up. I share the best saving’s hack to short circuit your brain’s flaws, plus specific strategies you can […]