One day you’ll be able to tell your grandkids you were there when the first ever Money Wizard Link-O-Rama was posted, and they’ll think you’re sooo cool.
Introducing the Monthly Link-O-Rama, a new feature around here I think you’ll love.
How’s this sound? Every month, I’ll share my favorite reads from around the web. These articles will be perfect for fellow millennials seeking financial independence. Most will revolve around investing, frugality, and early retirement, however, I do reserve the right to occasionally throw in a completely random but entertaining read.
Don’t forget to let me know in the comments which links were your favorites! I read a lot of articles, so your input comes with the added benefit of me customizing future updates based on your feedback.
To the links!
This Janitor Makes More Money Than Some CEOs
With this being the first edition and all, I figure I’m allowed to dig into the archives a bit. Here’s an older post from Sam at about the incredible story of a California janitor who made $271,000 in 2015. If that’s not proof America is still the land of opportunity, I don’t know what is.
Starter Home, Shmarter Home
I see far too many 20-somethings rush into home ownership just because they’ve heard building equity is a good thing. Business Insider interviewed fellow blogger Ben Carlson to explain why he’s so anti-starter home, and I couldn’t agree more.
Li Lu on Charlie Munger
Kapitalust got his hands on the translated forward from the Chinese print of Poor Charlie’s Almanac. It was originally written by Li Lu, the value investor who was long rumored as the choice to take over Berkshire Hathaway when Warren Buffett is gone.
Li’s forward is an insightful look at Charlie Munger, Buffett’s right hand man, and a guy who deserves far more credit for Buffett’s success than he ever gets. I find Munger to be one of the most fascinating people on the planet, and to hear one of the most successful money managers ever talk about an even more successful money manager was an awesome kind of investor-ception.
You Have an All Time High, aaaand YOU Have an All Time High!
Over at the FreedomThirtyFive blog, Liquid reminds us not to freak out when the stock market hits a new all-time high, because, well, all-time highs actually happen… a lot.
The Money Wizard Isn’t Completely Crazy After All
I may have found my doppelgänger in the blogging universe. Gwen over at FieryMillennials (who is about the same age as me, has a similar net worth, also wants to early retire, and like yours truly, even makes stained glass windows!) posted her plan for reaching early retirement.
Pretty cool that I’m not the only youngster chasing this dream. And if the internet starts confusing the two of us, don’t be alarmed.
PSA: Live Within Your Means
Physician on FIRE shares a White Coat Investor post, reminding those rich doctors to dial it down and live like a resident.
Since we have a bit of a younger and less rich doctorly demographic here, I’d dial it further and advise this site’s recent grads to keep living like a student!
Paying Off $65,000 of Student Loans In… 2 minutes???
One of my favorite writers, Paul over at Asset-Based Life, chronicled his student loan history in a post packed with lessons about saving for grad school, not jumping into a degree, and the positive effects of being debt free.
Plus, the post includes a classic Simpsons reference, so I’m immediately a fan.
Crazy Story of the Month
A few weeks ago I posted about Aspen being the most expensive town in the United States. Well, one notorious conman found a way to live mountainside for free. His story is a nice reminder that we don’t need all that much to survive… especially if you’re willing to live the swindler lifestyle while running from the cops.
Happy Reading! And see you next week for March’s Net Worth Update!
Related Articles:
Happy to have made the cut. Thanks, MMW!
“Live like a resident” is more or less interchangeable with “live like a student,” and it’s great advice for those who experience a big jump in income. The Financial Panther, a lawyer about to marry a dentist, applied the concept in another great post recently:
Another good read. Thanks for sharing!
Here’s another great read:
brb, gonna go open up a trampoline stand. That’s crazy!
Thanks for the compilation! Ahhh, if only I could swindle myself into a multi-million dollar mansion in Aspen. 🙂
Our conman wasn’t quuuite living in a million dollar mansion, but he was definitely sitting on some million dollar real estate.
Then, when I tell my grandkids I was actually IN the inaugural Money Wizard Link-O-Rama, they’re going to be blown away.
Thanks a lot for the mention, and it looks like I’ve got some catching up to do here. Love your site and already have started hitting the archives. Great stuff!
Much deserved, you’ve been one of my favorite bloggers for a while now.
Enjoy the archives! Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot coming from you.
Awesome set of links!
Though, I found this one very troubling: $271k for a janitor? Seems like a racket to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy is within 3 years of retirement and tries to milk his salary as much as he can to max his retirement benefits. If you wonder why governments and transit agencies never seem to have enough money look no further. As a taxpayer and transit customer I would be outraged.
Sorry about the rant! 🙂
That’d be a hell of a high 3. In his defense, over 70% of his income was overtime work, all of which was available to other employees. He’s picking up shifts others aren’t excited to take. Dude’s a machine. Plus, he’s working in one of the highest cost of living areas in the country.
But in any case, you won’t get any argument from me that our government’s financial management is a joke.
This is an excellent list of links for my weekend reading. 🙂 Thanks for the mention. Have a great weekend.
Awesome to see you here, Liquid. I’ve been enjoying of your site for a while.
Happy reading!